Saturday, August 23, 2014

Things that I've been told

People in Uganda are extremely nice. Culturally, they are very hospitable, caring and curious about the newcomers. I like that. However, differences of the expressions that are not appropriate in my society may actually be considered a complement here. Here are some things that were told to me personally. I didn’t take any offence, but thought it might be interesting to share.

Case 1. Hairiness

- What is that? Do you have a beard? Let me take one of the hair out! Hahahahaha, I am joking! 

Alright, my nation is genetically hairy. Sue me! 

Case 2. Weight 

Stranger: You are fat! Eat more so you can become bigger! Eat!
Me: Excuse me?
Stranger: You are fat! 
Me: Excuse me?
Stranger: Fat!! Big! Fat!

(this was happening when I was sitting outside, with a big bowl of rice and g-nuts)

Case 3. Muzungu vs. Chinese lookin’

Hey, China!! China!! You are China!!

I don’t understand what that supposed to mean. I am… China! I should have one of those labels “Made in China!"

I understand that most of the times people were either thinking that I would appreciate the joke. I never did, but I had to be understanding of the culture of complements here. I wasn’t! I tried very hard for those words not to offend me, but they did!

These “complements" would haunt me forever!

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