Monday, March 10, 2014

Oooh, that Internship Question

Do you remember my post where I was asking advice which organisation to do an internship with? And I had options in London, Lebanon, etc? Well, here is time to talk about it a little more.

After months of thinking which organisation would be most suitable for me to have an internship with, tons of applications and no answers (or unsatisfying answers: "Thank you for your interest. We will take let you know if anything comes up) -- I gave up. It is exhausting for an individual to apply to so many places, because most of the organisations prefer networking with other ones, not individuals.

So, I decided to apply to one of the EMMIR partners. Which one?

Drumroll, please...


Yes, Uganda.

I applied to Refugee Law Project, where among my duties would be teaching English Language to the refugees.

Now, the weird thing is that Refugee Law Project (RPLP) is one of the organisations I learned about during my first week working in UNHCR. I was given time to read all the conventions and do a little research on what organisations are there in the field of forced migration. I remember googling it and spending an hour in RLP web-page thinking - "Ah, I wish to work there one day" and realising that there is no way I would do that.

And once again, the expression of "Be careful for what you wish for, cause you just might get it!" comes to mind.

My application was successful, and with 3 other friends I am going to spend 2-2,5-months (August - October) in Uganda.

I anticipate the following reactions, so... here are some answers to that:

1) Why?

Why not?

2) Do your parents know you are crazy?


3) It's dangerous! You can get HIV, Malaria, blah, blah, blah... 

You can get HIV in other countries the same way as in Uganda. And Malaria: there are pills for that!

4) You can get mugged, raped, killed, eaten by animals or ... or other people may eat you!! 

No! :/

On the other hand, I am not fond of people thinking that I am making sacrifices by going to Uganda.

-You can go to any European countries. Why go to Uganda?

First of all - it is GREAT work experience. As a job, working in the refugee camp is interesting, rewarding and most importantly - educational. Everything I was reading about and researching would make a lot more sense when I work in the field.

Secondly, it's a whole new world!

Now I know that there are going to be challenges during those three months, and maybe more challenges than I imagine now. But I am also sure that I will have as awesome time as anywhere else. I see it as an opportunity to grow, learn and experience. I am not sacrificing anything to go there. And no, any other internship in Europe won't be better for me!

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