Thursday, September 18, 2014


When in Uganda, I had to do a Safari tour. There are two major destinations for Safari in Uganda: Murchison falls and Queen Elisabeth. I chose the first one and was very excited.

I chose one of the more affordable packages: three days in Murchison falls, on the Nile and a Rhino Sanctuary. All inclusive, except for food. Also, one of the most exciting things: I was gonna sleep in a tent.

Now, one of the most fun things was letting my parents know about my plans.

They were really happy about the Safari, but not crazy about me sleeping in a tent. Here are some comments I heard:

Mom: "I raised you... I spent sleepless nights for you... and this is how you are thanking me? Spending a night in a tent so some lion would eat you? You, ungrateful child!"
Me: "Mom, it's not one night. It's two nights"
Mom: "Ah, what difference does it make. You're gonna be eaten at some point!"

Me: "Mom, it is really ok. There are a lot of people. No animal is going to eat me. I promise, there is nothing to worry about"
Mom: "How did I raise you so abnormal? Did you get it from my breast-milk? Ah, they told me not to breast-feed you longer than 6 months. This is what happens when you do!! "

#3 (I was already on the way to Murchison. On the phone)
Me: "Hey daddy! Happy Birthday!!"
Dad: "Hey sweetie! Good that you remember my birthday. You know what the best gift for me would be? Would you give me the gift of surviving those 3 days and not being eaten by lions or whatever creature you will see?"
Me: "Yes, daddy. I promise!"

Safari was awesome. I didn't see lions or leopards, but I saw a whole bunch of other wonderful things.

Turns out, even if I don't get eaten by lions, my tent might be attacked by a warthogs. That's why we were all told to take out everything that we have that smells (good or bad, doesn't matter).
Here are the falls: Murchison and Uhuru (Independence).

And the rest of the wonders of Murchison Falls National Park
Rhinos are the scariest animals I have seen. They are freaking huge!! Plus, I heard this from our ranger 
Ranger: "If it attacks you, you have to hide behind the tree" 
Me: "What if I don't make it? Would you shoot the rhino?"
Ranger: "Oh, no. The life of a rhino is costs way more than human's. They are dying species, you know..."

Well, maybe not exactly his words, but all the ranger meant was that he was in no way going to harm the rhino.

Btw, funny story. There is a family of rhinos in this sanctuary, where the Mom is from the US and the Dad is from Kanya. Guess the name of their child! Obama! Haha.
Even though I booked my tour by myself, I met a bunch of nice people and shared a drink or two (or three... or four, who keeps count)


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